The Wayfarer Crowned by Happiness from The Table of Cebes

Design based on a woodcut by David Kandel German

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 544

Panels representing scenes from The Table of Cebes, a classical text popular during the Renaissance, on the soul’s journey through life, were worked in the somber colors of northern European taste toward the end of the sixteenth century. Like another example in the collection (42.193.2), this one is based on a woodcut by David Kandel of Strasbourg.

The Wayfarer Crowned by Happiness from The Table of Cebes, Design based on a woodcut by David Kandel (German, ca. 1520–ca. 1596), Wool and silk on canvas (cross-stitch, 48-56 per sq. in., 9 per sq. cm.; tent stitch, 156-190 per sq. in., 30-36 per sq. cm.), French

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