Pair of Manuscript Covers Illustrating Sadaprarudita’s Self-Sacrifice

Nepal, Kathmandu Valley

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 964

Sadaprarudita, in a forest (top center-left) and wanting to learn the Prajnaparamita Sutra, travels to the city of Gandhavati to find the bodhisattva Dharmodgata, who he hopes will preach the sutra to him. The god Indra tests him, and he makes offerings of his heart, blood, and bone marrow (top right). The distinctive figural type and mode of depiction characterize early Nepalese painting, later impacting the imagery of Tibet.

Pair of Manuscript Covers Illustrating Sadaprarudita’s Self-Sacrifice, Distemper on wood, Nepal, Kathmandu Valley

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