Box with Romance Scenes


On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 999

This coffret illustrated with scenes from Arthurian and other courtly literature of the Middle Ages is one of the most imposing examples to survive. The lid represents the assault on the metaphorical fortress, Castle of Love, with a tournament and knights catapulting roses. The left end depicts Tristan and Isolde spied upon by King Mark, and a hunter killing a unicorn trapped by a virgin. The right end shows a knight rescuing a lady from the Wildman (Wodehouse), and Galahad receiving the key to the castle of maidens. At the back are Lancelot and the lion, Lancelot crossing the sword bridge, Gawain asleep on the magic bed, and the maidens welcoming their deliverer. The newly discovered front panel (1988.16), lost since before 1800, is a poignant depiction of the love tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe (two scenes at right) and Aristotle teaching Alexander the Great and Phyllis riding on the back of Aristotle (two scenes at left).

#3145. Casket with Scenes from Romance

Box with Romance Scenes, Elephant ivory, French

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3/4 Left (acc. no. 1988.16): four scenes, from left to right: Aristotle teaching Alexander, Phyllis riding Aristotle, the lion shredding the cloak of Thisbe, the suicide of Pyramus); (acc. no. 17.190.173a): three panels and bottom of casket; (acc. no. 17.190.173b): top panel of casket with the assault on the metaphorical fortress, Castle of Love, with a tournament and knights catapulting roses